PostHeaderIcon Notícies sobre el campionat del món

Aquí teniu la notícia. Serà a Perth, prop d'Edimburg (Escòcia) es juga del 26 al 31 d'Octubre (es viatja el 25 i el 1 de Novembre):


Blackball International 2014 World Championships

The 2014 Blackball International World Championships are heading to Scotland. The venue is the superb Bells Sports Centre in Perth, Perthshire. (Approximately 40 miles north of Edinburgh Airport).

Thanks and commiserations go to France for also submitting an attractive bid to host the event.

The Championship will be run by ISP Scotland and recorded by Sky Television.

Arrive - Saturday 25th October
Play starts - Sunday 26th October (Opening ceremony 11:00am)
Play ends - Friday 31st October (Presentation Ceremony 18:00pm)
Travel home - Saturday 1st November

Categories & Events

MENS - 5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
LADIES  - 5 Person Team & Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
SENIORS (Over 40s) - 5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
MASTERS (Over 50s) - 5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
UNDER 18s -  5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
UNDER 23s - 5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
SPECIAL NEEDS MENS - 5 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
SPECIAL NEEDS LADIES - 3 Person Team, Individual Event, Speed Pool & Scotch Doubles
WHEELCHAIR - Individual Event



PostHeaderIcon Nadal i nova Temporada 2014

ABACAT us desitja un feliç Nadal i un 2014 ple de campionats.


Passades les festes nadalenques, a partir del 10 de Gener, es publicarà el Calendari de la temporada 2014 i en aquest mateix mes s'iniciaran les competicions.


PostHeaderIcon Dates Campionat d'Europa 2014

Dates have been released for the 2014 EBA European Championships in Bridlington.

Under 18s, Under 23s and Specials
Arrive - Monday 21st April
Play - Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 25th April
Depart - Saturday 26th April

Mens, Ladies, Seniors and Masters
Arrive - Friday 25th April
Play - Saturday 26th April to Thursday 1st May
Depart - Friday 2nd May  

Bones partides!!!



PostHeaderIcon Canvis a la Junta Directiva


Els passats dies 31 d'Agost i 2 de Setembre s'han produït les dimisions del President i del Vice-President de la nostra Entitat: Vicens Escobairó i Lluis Cubero. No és una sorpresa doncs ja a l'assemblea de Final de temporada es va comentar. Cal que les forçes vives de l'Associació es belluguin a fi de trobar aviat un nou equip directiu que continui aquest interessant projecte esportiu.

En aquests enllaços podeu llegir els escrits de Dimissió: President i Vice-President.

El nou President:



Bones partides!!!



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